GCYC History
In August 1982,
the 1st Gold Country Regatta was organized by local sailors and held on Scotts Flat Lake. The regatta attracted 42 boats and was the inspiration for the founding of the Gold Country Sailing Club (now Gold Country Yacht Club).
From “a little dinghy” newsletter, March 1984
(the history of the club for 1983 as narrated by the Secretary)
“Many, many moons ago, there was a great one who walked upon the waters, with a little help from his Catalina 22. And this spirit has a vision, and in that vision he saw great winged spirits skating upon the shimmering light. And so he called others unto him, and they were guided by his light, not that of the beatific heavens, but a candle in a paper bag with a rock in the bottom.
“On 9 Feb, 1983 at 8:00 PM, 8 people responded to an invitation of Ray Woods, to get together at his house and talk about sailing and ways of furthering our appreciation of it in this area. We had all attended the 1st Gold Country Regatta, and that combined with an enthusiasm for sailing, we were off and floating with a skeleton crew of officers, manning the pumps. Setting sail required publicity, money, effort, ideas, slide shows, stamps, and lots of cookies. But we were lucky, we had the basics. We had a lake. And most of us even had a boat.
“Then on to the good stuff, which at that time was a sunny day, and a chance to hit the lake. Opening day had its pomp and fanfare, balloons, a race, and a lot of toasting to the new boating season. Growth and experience came with time, a change of names, faces and places. We sailed the Caribbean from a real estate office, learned who had the right of way in a race around a pool table, and crewed in Tahiti and the San Juans while in the back of a restaurant. And we raced, we ghosted, we sat, and we raced some more. We raced by canoes and ski boats, while everyone seemed to race by the boat I was on. And it was still great, just like the people and all of their effort that has gone into the founding and nurturing of our club.
People to thank for the project
(from Jan 2002 newsletter
Wayne Buti
Doug Epperson
Dale and Lynn Buchanan
Don Samuelson
Jeremy Gicker
Mike Bringolf
Kent Bennett
Don Hare
Jerry Lewis
Ron Montgomery
Frank Nin
Carsten Owens
Richard Pennock
Don Wight
Hugh Talman
Robert Walker - building design
Hansen Bros - donating gravel
Bill Litchfield - donating metal
Josh at J&J Motorsports - donating equipment and storage
Joe Day - donating equipment, time, and expertise
GCYC Clubhouse Construction
March 2001 - NID Building and Maintenance Committee approved plans, plans to NID General Board in for final approval. Next step: Nevada County building permit
May 29 2001 - 1st work party
June 2001 - building permit approved, building committee: Doug Epperson, Dale Buchanan, Wayne and Tish Buti, Joe Day, Hugh Talman
June 30 2001 - expected pour date
July 2001 - work parties every week in June, brushed/graded site, laid out lines, dug footings, started foundation, 2 loads of gravel, laying rebar
Aug 2001 - foundations poured (phase 2 complete)
phase 1 - money/donations, permit process
phase 2 - pouring foootings and foundation
phase 3 - metal cut, sanded, painted
phase 4 - getting metal to site, putting clubhouse together (should happen before winter) Hugh has made it his "mission" to get the clubhouse done.
Sept 15 2001 - work party to cut and weld
Feb 2002 - finished bolting steel and tightening everything, stairs and sidewalk formed, found scrap metal for roof, next: put on roof
March 2002 - roof on clubhouse, close to final inspection, 3yds concrete for steps/bbq footing, telephone poles around perimeter with rope (nautical style) fence
May 2002 - waiting to build bbq
June 2002 - first GCYC monthly meeting held in the new clubhouse
July 2002 - finishing bbq, repair donated tables, flowers in planters, no water yet
The Founding of GCYC from “...a little dinghy” Newsletter, February, 2010
Greetings Everyone.
I've been procrastinating for a long time about getting something into the Little Dinghy, and while going through some old file boxes, I came upon some great stuff. Most of you know by now that Ray Woods was the founder of our club. He had a Catalina 22 and really liked to race, but in 1982 there wasn't anything that remotely resembled any type of local organization that gave him that opportunity, so he went out and started one. He put a picture of a sailboat in the Union and an invitation to everyone that had something that floated with a mast and a sail stuck to it, to join him in a regatta on Scott's Flat Lake. In those days Don Samuelson and I were in the same office, and when I showed him Ray's piece and made the proposal that I had the beer and he had the boat, I never got to finish the sentence before Don was making plans to get to his Venture 22 ready for Scott's Flat and my first regatta.
That Saturday morning, Ray combed the campground with great resolve and worked those campers like a pro.
It didn't matter if you were there for two weeks or two hours, or if you could only race one day, Ray didn't care. It must have been magic, but he was able to pull together over 40 boats to participate in that regatta, with a variety of vessels that some said hadn't been seen since the evacuation of Dunkirk! Summer and fall sailed by and Ray must have gotten a little cabin fever after the lake shut down for winter; and before we knew it there was a note in the mail that all of the participants received from Ray, inviting them to his house for a meeting regarding sailing. What follows are the minutes that I took down that February 27 years ago.
Ed Guinaugh The 1st Secretary
Past Commodores
2024 - Doug Coursey
2023 - Doug Coursey
2022 - Teresa Gaman
2021 - Teresa Gaman
2020 - Teresa Gaman
2019 - Dennis Barry
2018 - Stewart Perry
2017 - Stewart Perry
2016 - Howard Hendrich
2015 - Howard Hendrich
2014 - Don Hare
2013 - Don Hare
2012 - Chris Buti
2011 - Chris Buti
2010 - Joe Day
2009 - Joe Day
2008 - Pierre Chatelain
2007 - Pierre Chatelain
2006 - Jeffrey Lund
2005 - Bruce Cutshall
2004 - Tish Buti
2003 - Tish Buti
2002 - Hugh Talman
2001 - Hugh Talman
2000 - Wayne Buti
1999 - Wayne Buti
1998 - Don Eagle
1997 - Don Eagle
1996 - Jerry Lewis
1995 - Jerry Lewis
1994 - Dale Buchanan
1993 - Dale Buchanan
1992 - Greg Pfalmer
1991 - Jerry Gicker
1990 - Lynn Buchanan
1989 - Chuck Erdrich
1988 - Doug Epperson
1987 - Doug Epperson
1986 - Doug Epperson
1985 - Gary Miller
1984 - Don Samuelson
1983 - Don Samuelson
GCYC Beginnings
9 Feb 83 - First Meeting
Burma Road, Grass Valley
Founder: Ray Woods
Ray and Jackie Woods
Greg and Pam Pfalmer
Pat Riley
Lynda Thompson
Phil Brown
John Hensley
Don Samuelson
Ed Guinaugh